Thesis - Maharashtra

Mumbai Veterinary College, Parel, Mumbai – 400 012

Research TitleDegreeYearScholars NameMajor Advisor
Organogenesis of bursa of Fabricius, thymus and spleen (Lymphoid organs) in relation to immunity in broilers.Ph. D.1996P. L. DhandeS. S. Mehendale
Gross anatomical, histological and histochemical changes in the gastrointestinal tract during postnatal period in goat (Capra hircus).Ph. D.2008A. M. PachaopandeP. L. Dhande
Generation of parthenogenetic embryos as a source of autologus embryonic stem cell line in sheep (ovis aries)Ph. D.2011S. A. GaikwadP. L. Dhande
Histomorphological changes in the oviduct after extirpation of the preen gland in relation to egg production in poultry birdsPh. D.2012A. D. PatilP. L. Dhande
Gross Anatomical, Histomorphological and Ultrastructural Studies of Uterus during Different Phases of Estrus cycle in Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)Ph. D.2013P. M. GhuleP. L. Dhande
Gross Anatomical, Histomorphological and Ultrastructural Studies of Testis During Postnatal Development in Pig (Sus domesticus)Ph. D.2013S. B. LambateP. L. Dhande
Comparative Histomorphological and Ultra-structural studies of Mammary Gland in Sheep (Ovis aries) and Goat (Capra hircus)Ph. D.2018S. S. ModekarP. L. Dhande
Comparative histomorphological and electron microscopical studies of small intestine of broilers fed with different feed additives
Ph. D.2018Jyoti SainiP. L. Dhande
Histomorphological study of the postnatal development of testis in Murrah buffaloes (Bos bubalis)M. V. Sc.1965P. V. NaikM. H. Nagamia
A histomorphological study of udder parenchyma in buffaloes (Bos bubalis)M. V. Sc.1967S. S. MehendaleM. H. Nagamia
Gross and histomorphological study of smooth ovary of Indian buffalo (Bos bubalis)M. V. Sc.1969M. HafeezuddinM. H. Nagamia
Histological study of the ovary in follicular phase with special reference to preovulatory follicle in Indian buffalo (Bos bubalis).M. V. Sc.1969R. K. ShingatgeriM. H. Nagamia
Histological study of the uterus of Indian buffalo-cow (Bos bubalis) in proestrus stageM. V. Sc.1971D. O. KalkarM. H. Nagamia
A study of sex chromatin in neutrophils of Indian buffaloes (Bos bubalis)M. V. Sc.1977G. R. WaghM. H. Nagamia
The gross and histological study of the tongue of Indian buffaloes (Bos bubalis)M. V. Sc.1978N. S. KorkeP. V. Naik
Sex dimorphism of the Murrah buffalo (Bos bubalis) on the skull, metacarpal & metatarsalM. V. Sc.1982R. S. DalviS. S. Mehendale
Sex dimorphism of the Murrah buffalo (Bos bubalis) on the humerus, radio-ulna & femurM. V. Sc.1983P. L. DhandeS. S. Mehendale
Histomorphological study of pancreas in Murrah buffaloes (Bos bubalis) at various stagesM. V. Sc.1984A. K. GudiS. S. Mehendale
Studies on some aspects of the orbit and extra ocular muscles of the Murrah buffalo (Bos bubalis)M. V. Sc.1985G. R. PadukoneS. S. Mehendale
Histological study of the uterine horns of the Murrah buffalo (Bos bubalis) in diestrusM. V. Sc.1987S. R. ChawanD. O. Kalkar
Microanatomy of some skin components of different body regions in Mehsana buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)M. V. Sc.1990A. S. PatilM. J. Mahajan
Identification of the sex from the scapula and the tibia in Murrah buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)M. V. Sc.1991P. V. KulkarniM. J. Mahajan
Biometrical & histomorphological study of some components of the eyeball in cattle (Bos indicus)M. V. Sc.1992S. B. BanubakodeM. J. Mahajan
Histomorphological and histochemical studies of the tongue & salivary glands of quail and chickenM. V. Sc.1993P. M. PokharkarM. J. Mahajan
Histological and histochemical studies of the gall bladder in adult Mehsana buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)M. V. Sc.1994Smita DeshpandeP. L. Dhande
The study of the muzzle prints in cattle (Bos indicus)M. V. Sc.1994B. R. KachaveP. L. Dhande
Gross anatomical, histological and histochemical studies on the placentomes of sheep (Ovis aries) in different stages of pregnancyM. V. Sc.1995N. C. NandeshwarM. J. Mahajan
Gross anatomical and histomorphological study of the parotid, prescapular, prefemoral and popliteal lymph nodes in Murrah buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)M. V. Sc.1996S. B. GadhaveP. L. Dhande
Comparative gross anatomical and histomorphological studies of abomasum of cattle and buffaloM. V. Sc.1997V. D. ShankhapalP. L. Dhande
Comparative gross anatomical and histomorphological studies of the superior sesamoidean ligament in cattle and buffaloM. V. Sc.1997S. A. GaikwadP. L. Dhande
Histomorphological studies on various tunics of canine eyeballM. V. Sc.1998B. B. PawarP. L. Dhande
Gross anatomical and histomorphological studies of ovaries during different phases of estrous cycle in sheep (Ovis aries)M. V. Sc.1999S. N. NimunkarP. L. Dhande
Studies on some aspects of the orbit and extra ocular muscles of the dogM. V. Sc.1999K. V. DesaiP. L. Dhande
Gross anatomical and histomorphological studies of the tongue of Indian goat (Capra hircus)M. V. Sc.1999R. P. DeoreA. D. Patil
Gross Anatomical, Histomorphological and Histochemical study of the lung in Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis).M. V. Sc.2000G. B. YadavP. L. Dhande
Gross Anatomical, Histomorphological and Histochemical study of the liver in Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis).M. V. Sc.2000P. N. ThakurP. L. Dhande
Gross Anatomical, Histomorphological and Histochemical study of the liver and gall bladder in BroilersM. V. Sc.2001P. V. IshiA. D. Patil
Gross Anatomical, Histomorphological and Histochemical study of the gizzard and proventriculus in Broilers.M. V. Sc.2001S. B. LambateA. D. Patil
Gross Anatomical, Histomorphological and Histochemical study of the Bursa Fibricius in Karaknath & RIR breed of Poultry and their crossesM. V. Sc.2002R. B. JagadaleA. D. Patil
Gross Anatomical, Histological, Histomorphological and Histochemical study of the Uropygeal Gland in Karaknath and RIR breed of Poultry and their crossesM. V. Sc.2002S. A. PansambalP. L. Dhande
Gross Anatomical, Histomorphological and Histochemical study of Testis and Epididymis during prenatal development in sheep (Ovis aries)M. V. Sc.2003S. S. RautA. D. Patil
Gross Anatomical, Histomorphological and Histochemical study of ovary and oviduct during prenatal development in sheep (Ovis aries)M. V. Sc.2004M. S. DeokarP. L. Dhande
Gross Anatomical, Histomorphological and Histochemical studies of the Uterus during prenatal development in Sheep (Ovis aries)M. V. Sc.2005K. M. DeshmukhA. D. Patil
Hair – Anatomical tool for identification of domestic and wild animal speciesM. V. Sc.2006Miss. Kothule Deepa RamlalA. D. Patil
Histomorphological and Histochemical studies on the Testis of Horse ( Equus caballus)M. V. Sc.2006Shri. Sahane Arun MahadeoP. L. Dhande
Histological and histochemical studies on the vas deferens and Penis during prenatal development in Sheep (Ovis aries).M. V. Sc.2007Shri. Sukhadeve Suchit VitthalraoA. M., Pachpande
Identification of domestic and wild animal speciesM. V. Sc.2007Miss. Gurav P. A.A. D. Patil
Gross and Histomorphological studies of the Uterus during different phases of estrus in Bitches (Canis domesticus)M. V. Sc.2007Adsul A. P.P. L. Dhande
Gross Anatomical and Histomorphological study of Testis in Japanese Quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) during Post hatch periodM. V. Sc.2008Miss. Ayana RajeevA. D. Patil
Gross Anatomical and Histomorphological study of Bursa Fabricius in Japanese Quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) during Post hatch periodM. V. Sc.2008Tiwari S. S.P. L. Dhande
Gross Anatomical and Histomorphological study of Oviduct in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)M. V. Sc.2008Ghule P. M.S. A. Gaikwad
Comparative Gross Anatomical and Histomorphogicalogical Study of Liver in Rat and MiceM. V. Sc.2011R. K. BhandirgeP. L. Dhande
Gross Anatomical and Histomorphological Study of Flexor and Extensor Muscles of Digits in Cat (Felis domestica) in relation to Functional AnatomyM. V. Sc.2012Miss. K. S. GupteS. A. Gaikwad
Gross Anatomical and Biometrical study of the heart of sheep (Ovis aries)M. V. Sc.2013Bari U. S.P. L. Dhande
Gross Anatomical & Histomorphological Studies of Testis in adult sheep (Ovis aries)M. V. Sc.2013Shengal D. A.A. D. Patil
Gross Anatomical & Histomorphological studies of Spleen of adult male and female sheep (Ovis aries)M. V. Sc.2013Gade G. G.P. L. Dhande
Gross anatomical and histomorphological studies on ventricles of heart in sheep (Ovis aries)

M. V. Sc.2014Kolekar V. P.A. D. Patil
Gross anatomical and histomorphological studies on laparoscopically excised
ovaries in dog (Canis domesticus)
M. V. Sc.2014Aware N. N.V.D. Shankhapal
Gross anatomical and histomorphological studies on laparoscopically excised uterus
in dog (Canis domesticus)

M. V. Sc.2014Mint V. S.P. L. Dhande
Comparative histomorphological study of spermatozoa of cattle and buffaloM. V. Sc.2015Jyoti SainiS. A. Gaikwad
Gross anatomical and histomorphological studies on atria of heart in goat (Capra hircus)M. V. Sc.2016K. G. BardeV.D. Shankhapal
Gross anatomical and histomorphological studies of testis in goat (Capra hircus)M. V. Sc.2017Bhosale P. H.V.D. Shankhapal
Comparative Morphological studies of Dentition in domestic AnimalsM. V. Sc.2017Elizabeth V. L. HmangaihzualiS. A. Gaikwad
Gross Anatomical and Histomorphological studies of the planter group of muscles in the hind limb in dog (Canis familaris) in relation to biomechanicsM. V. Sc.2018Avril D. R. WalterP. L. Dhande
Comparative Morphometric Analysis of cervical vertebrae of Goat, Dog, Pig and Human with its functional correlation.M. V. Sc.2019Shanbhag Sachi MahadevS. A. Gaikwad
Gross Anatomical and Histomorphological studies on Laparoscopic ally excised uterus in catM. V. Sc.2019Lavate Nitin S.V.D. Shankhapal
Gross Anatomical and Histomorphological studies of flexor and extensor muscles of digits in relation to functional Anatomy.M. V. Sc.2021Harshal Gopal PatilS. A. Gaikwad
Comparative studies on various methods of plastination of biological tissue for teaching Veterinary AnatomyM. V. Sc.2021Kanke Santosh BhagwatS. A. Gaikwad
Gross Anatomical and Histomorphological studies on epididymis of dogM. V. Sc.2022Pawar Priyesh PramodV.D. Shankhapal
Gross Anatomical and Histomorphological studies on Testis of dog.M. V. Sc.2022YogeshS. A. Gaikwad
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